Tuesday, 26 May 2015

My Math

My Maths

 These are my workings out for long multiplication.

My Goal

                             My Goals

1.To blog 15 times, to earn my 1st Merit Badge
2.To do all of my SDL by Thursday
3.To do maths homework every night on a daily basis

Monday, 25 May 2015



On Friday at 10:30 Kapa Haka is on. We have three teacher's, Mr Brown, Mrs Baker and Matua Rihari. Classes from year 5 to 8 are in Senior Kapa Haka. We learn to do poi and the year 8's get to do long poi. Ever 2-4 years we go to the Cultural festival.
This is me at the 50th Jubilee 2014

Peer Mediation

            Peer Mediation!!!!!

Me in a bright green jacket ready for Peer Mediation!! 

My Math Facts Weekly Report

The Math Facts

This is my new Math Facts web site that I am learning my basic facts on.

These are my results for the week.

The first picture shows my Awards in my Trophy Case.

The second picture is my best results for Subtraction.


Sunday, 24 May 2015

Swimming Challenge

Red Cross Donation

Cross Country

                                       Cross Country 2015!!!!!!!!!!
Where: Halswell Quarry
When: 9:00 -12:00
What: SW Zones Cross Country
On Thursday 22 people went to the SW zones for Cross Country.
When we were racing, everyone would cheer everyone on, if you were first or last we would cheer each one of us on. When we were all at school the parents would get a piece of paper that said who was in which car. I was in my car with Samara, Isabella and my Mum was driving.We were the first to get to Halswell Quarry. When all of us where at the Quarry we put the tarpaulin down and then we sat down to eat, even if it was not morning tea. When we had something to eat, Samara, Isabella and me went for a walk on the course. The year 7's and 8's had to do 3km and the year 6's had to do 2km and the year 5's.      


Thursday, 7 May 2015



I can see the Snowfakes falling down to the ground as the sunrise
I can see Children making Snowman and sliding on the Ice
I walk around on the soft muddy walking track, watching people skiing
I see the Children throw Snowballs at each other with fun

Rhyme- I used Rhyme in my poem because I think it would go good with my winter poem
Simile- I used Simlie because Children love winter so much
Alliteration- I used Alliteration because it is putting 3 F's in a sentence eg: Funny, Funkey, Fantastie wabbly children on the Ice.