Tuesday 26 July 2016

Being a good house leader (Excellence badge)

Excellence badge can-do

Being a good house leader 

Today was assembly. I am a house captain, so that means that I get to sit at the front of the stage. Every time we have a school full assembly the house captains, house co-ordinator and sports co-ordinator get to sit at the front of the stage and the deptys and heads get to sit at the back of the stage on the right behind Mrs Trotter.

In assembly we have to be role models in the front, so that we are good at the front and to show the juniors in the front. When I stand up for the National anthem I put my hands beside me. The leaders have to show the care values at all time to show everybody that we show them.

The learner quality I showed were being a good role model by doing all the CARE Values in the assembly and also standing up straight for the National anthem.

I showed leadership by showing all of the CARE Value in assembly.
Here is a photo of the care values

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