Monday 10 October 2016

Being a good house leader (Distinction badge)

Distinction badge Can-do

Being a good house leader

On Monday we had a full school assembly. Once I got to the hall I walked down the middle to get to the front where I sit in full school assembly. After I got to the front I sat in one of the seats and sat still waiting to start the assembly. When every class was in the hall we got started, by singing our Waiata. When we sing the school song the leaders don't do the action, because the juniors could get it mixed up on which way to go and how to do the action so we don't do them.

Once we finish the school song we go onto something else like doing the certificates and what has been going on in the classrooms. After doing the certificates we finish the assembly off with singing our National Anthem. This assembly was a shorter assembly, because it was a Welcome back assembly, so it was shorter then the other full school assembly. 

The leaner quality that I showed was being quiet when someone is speaking 

The leadership that I showed was being a good role model for the juniors.

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